Great time of fellowship last night with a bunch of wonderful people at the Atkinson home. Congratulations to Kyle and Brittany on Kyle's graduation from Clemson. Welcome home!
What a joy and honor to serve the Lord at Lakeside Baptist Church. We are truly a family. A family that loves the Lord and loves one another. Our prayer is that you and your family will have a most blessed Christmas together and a Happy New Year!
Wow! What a tremendous program by our Choir and Drama Team on December 13th. Your many, many hours of preparation were worth it. This preacher could not have been any more pleased with the way you folks presented the gospel so clearly, boldly and professionally. The church was packed to capacity. Sincere thanks are in order to Bro. Jim, Leah, Star and Wes for your leadership.
What a fun time of fellowship at our Parent/Teen Bible Quiz. Once again the teens came out on top but I could tell that the parents had studied very hard. Enjoy the slideshow.
Enjoy some pictures from our AWANA Christmas Party. Thank you to all of our dedicated AWANA leaders working with our precious kids. The clubbers each brought a gift to give to the Garden City Rescue Mission for needy children.
We were honored to have Bro. David Gibbs at Lakeside this past Sunday. The Lord used him to bring 3 outstanding messages that stirred all of our hearts. 40 years ago the Lord led him to begin the Christian Law Association that has helped many preachers and ministries with legal issues. Our Christian freedoms are at stake. The name of Jesus has become controversial in the eyes of the world. We are grateful for Bro. Gibbs ministry and are glad he is a friend of Lakeside. You may want to see his website at
Enjoying fellowship on the bus with a group of Senior Saints. We had a delicious meal at Shealys and then went to the Christmas drama "This Man Called Jesus" at Lake Murray. Looking forward to a great day with Dr. David Gibbs, Jr. on Sunday. Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel