Friday, October 22, 2010

Overdue Update

Wow, been a while since my last update. We went on a family vacation right after 911 Sunday and got away from blogging for a while.

911 Sunday
What a fantastic day! Praise the Lord for 630 in attendance and 4 adults walking the aisle (some in uniform) for salvation. Our entire church family participated in some way to make this a very special day for our local heroes.

Ladies Conference
The ladies of Lakeside hosted our first annual Conference a few weeks ago with almost 200 ladies attending from 22 churches. I cannot express enough my gratitude to Priscilla S. and all of our ladies for organizing such an amazing event.

More Baptized
Praise the Lord for 4 more who were baptized a couple of weeks ago and even more ready for the first Sunday of November. The Lord keeps giving the increase! It's getting gooder and gooder...One of our young men (Kenneth) just led 2 of his friends to Christ and they were in the Wednesday evening service this week.

Staff Planning Retreat
Last week I was able to take our Pastors and wives to Hendersonville, NC for our annual planning getaway. We were able to look at the 2011 calendar and plan every outreach and ministry event. We evaluated every ministry as we prayed together, wept together, thanked the Lord for our Lakeside family together and asked the Lord to enlarge our vision. We are blessed to have such a talented and godly staff.

Grace Chapel Service
I was honored to be able to preach yesterday in the chapel service for Grace Baptist Christian School in Columbia. What a great group of young people. I was reminded of the thrill of being a youth pastor for over 20 years. I was also reminded of one of my heroes, Bro. Bob Kelley, who is with the Lord now, and the joy of being the pastor now to Mrs. April Kelley.

Prophecy Conference
My Pastor, Ralph Sexton, asked my family and I to come over to Myrtle Beach for a Prophecy Conference yesterday and today. My heart is stirred in even a greater way about the coming of the Lord and I have a feeling you may hear that in the message on Sunday!

Fall Festival and Bible Publishing
Looking forward to driving back in the morning and being there in time for our Fall Family Festival. Pray for me as I will be preaching the gospel again to all the children. Don't forget that on Monday morning we will begin our project of publishing over 30,000 John/Romans again for Bearing Precious Seed.

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